
Existensia: Chapter 12: Oppa Tatsumi Style!

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(Party Switch: From Neptune and co. to ???)
(Background Music: Shin Sangokumusou 7 (Dynasty Warriors 8) OST - Humane Green 1. History HQ)

For countless turns of the Cycle have The Dimensional Bridge remain forgotten and lost.
But now when heroes have arrived,rumours and tales was slowly planted in adventurous minds.
Trough details are scarce, these thoughts and dreams are enough inspire a select few individuals to search for this forgotten myth.

(Background Music: Ar Tonelico II OST - Sky Port Girl)

This story had become especially popular in Ar Ciel, Suzomina's home planet.
In the lively streets of the floating trade city, Rashek, hundreds of people could be heard.
Many of them exchanged normally greetings, but some talked about a strange phenomena...
- Hey, do you see that hole in the sky? said a man looking away from the huge crowds.
- It looks like a star. said a woman.
- A star? In broad daylight?
- Maybe it's black hole. added another guy.
- I think it's a gate to something greater then ourselves. Like to another world. said an old man.
- You're just rambling, Snitches. said the first man.
- Did you say another world? asked a curious young woman with purple hair who just jumped into the conservation.
- You heard me right, young lady. A world beyond our wildest imaginations. I think.
said Old man Snitches.  
- I just returned from one journey, but I think I can swallow another one.
- What is your name, young lady? asked Snitches.
- Cocona! answered the young lady.
You could call me an adventurer.         
-Well... The tales says, if you enter the floating gate, you will find the answers to...  to...
Oh bugger. I forgot. How unfortunate...
-Guess I'll find that out for my self. Thanks, elder.
-Good luck to you on your endeavours. said Snitches who then carried on.
-Bye! said Cocona.
But how do I get into a hole above the clouds?
Maybe I should take one of the auto-shuttles. That'll usually do the trick.

And with some preparations, Cocona was ready to see this "Myth" for herself.

At the Auto-Shuttle Bay...
(Background Music: Ar Tonelico III OST - Sneak Through the Grand Gate)

-Well, even trough the old man maybe where just crazy, I'm kinda hyped.
That hole IS REAL. I can't just imagine something so colourful and weird out of nowhere.
This is kind of epic. This is my first journey on my terms.
Cocona entered one of the shuttles and buttoned in some commands on a console.
-To the Gate, then! said Cocona and the shuttle started moving at snail speeds.
The approach went rather slowly, as the shuttle was designed to navigate trough traffic.
It took about ten anti-climactic minutes to even reach the hole.
To Cocona's surprise, no dramatic crash-landing took place, and the transition through the wormhole went smoothly.
-Wait. WHAT? I'm actually passing through?!

(Background Music: Nothing)

Cocona had second thoughts, but that was kind of to late.
-I wonder what I'll find when the ship has landed. said Cocona and felt a feeling of suspense building up.
The shuttle landed with a smooth sound.
Cocona opened the door.

(Background Music: Pokemon Colosseum - Relic Forest)    

Sunlight streamed into the sterile shuttle in.
The light was blinding at first, but Cocona walked outside.
Outside it almost looked like a painting in motion, and the greenery spread a feeling of ease.
Everything seemed felt perfect in some sense.
Except, it looked like a big machine had crashed a little further away.
Cocona walked towards it at a leisure pace.
She noticed the hole in the sky that she had entered where gone.
Cocona found find the nature pleasant, so she didn't mind.
She walked up the hill with the machine.
It was oddly shaped and looked a little humanoid if you looked from the right angle.
Cocona saw something looking like cockpit.
She dusted away some dirt from the machine.
A logo said "Orbital Frame: Jehuty".
Then she looked into the cockpit.

(Background Music: Disgaea OST # 32 Fearless Whisper)

-Oh crap! yelled Cocona and took a step back.
Inside the cockpit sat a man with white hair in his late 20s, bleeding from his forehead.
He's dead? Cocona thought.
Trying to open the cockpit where no use.
-That's creepy. I'll be going. said Cocona who wanted a reason to leave and never come back.
Slightly gloomier, she walked back down the hill.

(Background Music: Pokemon Colosseum - Relic Forest)      

-I need to calm down. I have seen dead people before. But I'll never get used to it... Cocona thought for herself.
I really need a random battle to think about something else.
One should be careful what one wish for trough, because just as Cocona finished her sentence, she saw a floating mask.

(Background Music: Ar Tonelico II OST - Agni)

The mask became a glove with the mask on the top like a weird head.
-Look what the doctor ordered! said Cocona.
She took of her hair clips which became a two-sided laser sceptre. (Coooooooool)
-Time to let of some steam!

Enemy Info
Name: Maniacal Hand
HP: 341
Skills: Summon, Slap
EX: Massive Summon
Info: Is this a boss or tutorial enemy? Nobody will know...

Battle Start

Cocona hit the Maniacal Hand blindingly fast three times!
Maniacal hand took 43 damage.
-Phew! It felt like FOREVER since I did this the last time. I'm getting rusty.
Maniacal Hand used Slap!
Cocona took 24 damage!
-Ow! I need to remember the whole "dodging" thing.
Cocona beat Maniacal Hand two times with her sceptre!
Maniacal Hand used Summon!
Minion Hand appeared!
-Really? Reinforcements? This is going to drag out isn't it?
Cocona slashed Minion Hand!
Minion Hand took 56 damage and shattered!
Maniacal Hand used Summon!
Another Minion Hand appeared!
-Well, guess I will just have to defeat all of the reinforcements first.
They can't be THAT many, right?

50 turns later...

Maniacal Hand used Summon!
-What. The. Hell.
Cocona was dumbstruck with the amount of Minion Hands that had been summoned.
If I attack the minion, it will just be replaced.
If I attack the big one, both it and the minion will counter...
This can go on forever! (FOREEEEEEEEEEVER!)

(Background Music: (Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3) Music: 1st Impact (Type 1))

-Not if I decide! I found ya, you little prick! shouted a man's voice and the Minion Hand got pummelled by a folded chair!
The guy was tall, had bleached hair, wore a jacket on his shoulders and a skull t-shirt and he had a pair of black jeans.
-What the heck is going on?! asked Cocona.
Who are you?
-Name's Kanji Tatsumi! We can introduce each other after that shadow.
-Shadow??? (I'm soooo confused right now.)
-Let's finish this! shouted Kanji and summoned a floating card.
Go, Take-mikazuchi! roared Kanji and smashed the card.
A black, buff colossi appeared with a skeleton pattern.
Kanji then threw a punch in the air and the colossi did the same.
The Colossi hit the Maniacal Hand HARD.
Maniacal Hand took 498 damage.
-Whoa! Flashy! What was that? asked Cocona impressed.
-Persona. The Power of Repressed feelings. It's awesome, I know.
Maniacal Hand used Massive Summon!
Hundred Minion Hands appeared!
-We're done. One of them were too many. said Cocona.
-Well, look here! said Kanji and smashed anther card.
Kanji used Mazio! (Info: Hits all enemies with light electric damage)
All Minion hands took 50-57 damage!
All Minion Hands were wiped out!
Maniacal Hand took no damage and were still recovering.
-Well, looks like my EX charged. Kanji, check this out! said Cocona.
Cocona's Double Spectre became a Oddly-shaped Laser Blade. (Coooooooooooool.)
Cocona ran towards Maniacal Hand.
Cocona used EX Photon Saber Plus!
She started slicing in eight directions and then the blade grew in size.
She then sliced Maniacal Hand clean in two parts.
Maniacal Hand took 2812 damage!
The mask shattered and disappeared.

(Background Music: Ar Tonelico II OST - Lightning)

-I wanted to do THAT for a long time! said Cocona.
-Damn, that was badass! said Kanji.

Thanks to all the Minion Hands defeated,
Cocona went from LV. 1 to LV.18!
Kanji has risen to LV.22!

(Background Music: Persona 4 OST- New Days)

-I never got your name. said Kanji.
-The name's Cocona Bartel.
-Nice meetin' ya, Cocona.
So... Do you have any idea where the heck the closest tourist-centre is?
-Nope. I think I'm as lost as you are.
-Makes senses if we stick together, right? Just a while? asked Kanji.
-It's OK. said Cocona. I just want to look check up on one thing before we go.
-Right. I'll wait.
Cocona went up the hill again to the crashed machine "Orbital Frame: Jehuty".

(Background Music: Disgaea OST # 32 Fearless Whisper)

Cocona checked the eerie machine again.
But something caught her off-guard.
The cockpit were opened.
A small path of blood followed a trail.
The pilot were gone.
-How could that guy still be alive? asked Cocna herself.
Kanji walked up.
-Is something up with that big-ass robot? asked Kanji.
-Someone were inside before and where hurt.

(Background Music: Persona 4 OST- New Days)

He can't have gone far. Let's find him! said Cocona.
(I have NO idea what's going on, but that girl seems chill enough.) Kanji thought for himself.
-HEY! WAIT! he when shouted as he followed Cocona who were ahead.

Who was the wounded pilot?
How will Kanji's and Cocona's destiny tie together with the others?
Do stay toned...


Cocona is one of the main caracters in Ar Tonelico 2 and 3.
Old Man Snitches is a joke character from the awesome Youtube show "The Completionist" Check it out.
Kanji Tatsumi is the (IMO) most awesome main character in Persona 4.
He looks rough, but he is a dude with a heart of gold.
The mecha Jehuty is the playable machine in both of the Zone of the Enders games.
ZoE fans might be able to guess who the white hair pilot is already...

Also: Oppa Tatsumi Style! (Or gangnam, whatever.)
The 12th chapter is out, Whoop, Whoop!
Includes more newcomers.
© 2013 - 2024 JoeyLikesFish
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RobinLightwalker's avatar
Somehow, I got a very RLA feeling from this chapter. It felt VERY adventurous in spirit all the way and I saw some Robin in Cocona and I think I will use that first theme as the recap theme for the Seasons 4 to 12.